Free Courses for FDA Members
Membership has its perks! FDA and ADA members can choose from 18+ free course options during pre-registration. You must pre-register for all courses, including free courses, to secure your seat. Search FDC courses by title, speaker or course code to view the full course description.
Overcome Staffing Challenges by Unlocking the Power of Remote Professionals (NC02) | 8:30 AM-9:30 AM | Ms. Christine Sison
Practice Ownership: Today and Into the Future (NC03) | 9:15 AM-10:45 AM | Mr. Chad Clark, Ms. Elizabeth Martinez & Mr. Nilesh Patel
Dental Practice Investing Through Fractional Ownership (NC04) | 9 AM-11 AM | Mr. Eric DeVriese
Preventive Mental Care (PM01)| 10 AM-11 AM | Ms. Alicia Spence
The Mouth is the Mirror to the Body: Oral-Systemic Health Keynote (C11) | 11:15 AM-12:15 PM | Dr. Roopali Kulkarni
No-Nonsense Pediatric Oral Pathology Update (C12) | 1 PM-2 PM | Dr. Ashley Clark
Making the Most of Mini Dental Implants (C23) | 2 PM-5 PM | Dr. Todd Shatkin
Better, Faster, Stronger: Tips to Up Your Game in Direct Restorative (C27) | 2 PM-4 PM | Dr. Lauren Yasuda Rainey
Occupational Dose Trends in the Dental Industry (C28) | 2:30 PM-3:30 PM | Mr. Chris Passmore
Respond to Negative Patient Online Reviews Without Violating HIPAA (C29) | 4 PM-5 PM | Mr. Joe Lazzarotti
Work to a Different Beat Keynote (NC06) | 7:45 AM-8:45 AM | Mr. Justin Jones-Fosu
Marketing Your Practice Online and Growing Your Revenue in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (NC08) | 9 AM-12 PM | Dr. Joshua Gindea
State of the Market Presentation (NC09) | 9:00 AM-12:00 PM | Mr. Riad Shanawany & Mr. Michael DeMeola
Safeguarding Wealth Lunch & Learn: Lawsuit Prevention and Tax Strategies (NC10) | 12:15 PM-1:15 PM | Mr. Daniel McNeff
Tax Minimization and Wealth Building Strategies for Dentists (NC12) | 2 PM-5 PM | Mr. Michael DeMeola & Mr. Riad Shanawany
Are You Ready for Ownership or Retirement? Start Planning Today! (NC13) | 2 PM-5 PM | Mr. Greg Jones, Mr. Michael DeMeola & Mr. Jason Kaplan
Demineralized and Cortico-What? A General Dentist’s Guide to the Most Uncomplicated and Predictable Bone Grafting Techniques Including Socket Preservation Without a Membrane (C58) | 9 AM-11 AM | Dr. Ankur Gupta
How to Make Marketing Work for You (NC15) | 9 AM-11 AM | Mr. Brandon Bosch
A Practice Owner’s Guide to the Business Side of Dentistry (NC20) | 2 PM-4 PM | Mr. Casey Hiers